Would you consider using Twitter as a valid source of information?

No, Twitter is a social network where everyone form any location or vcorner of the world is allowed to create an account and share thier views.
Twitter is made up of people who use their acciounts everyday and share views about everything that is happening in our daily lives in their own views and perspectives and of which each and every person is entitled to their own opinion about everything that happens in our daily lives.
I would never advice a person to use Twitter os any other social network as a source of information because it only contains about peoples views and opinions, not stated and accurate facts about things.
When a person has got a question/s about a particular topic that is being researched, I would advuce that a person must evaluate the questions before, reasin being is that you first need to strategise on the take of the question then contemplate on the question and generate ideas before relying on goolge and bing for the stated facts.

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